Empowerment Scoliosis

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2022

To finish out scoliosis awareness month, we brought back Katelyn Carlson.

We dive into how to optimize our time of being productive of living with Scoliosis as a family unit. One of the most important things you can do is ground yourself. Look at where you’re at right now. Many decisions can be made out of desperation or fear. These decisions may not be in alignment with what you or your child needs.

How can I resource myself? How can I come to a place where I feel solid, stable? How can I trust myself? These are all questions she asks her clients, starting off with where are you at right now?

Get as much information as you can. Get your questions answered. This also comes to dealing with the using your internal resources.

Be aware of how it feels when you’re in a panic vs how it feels when you feel good. Honor the feeling, pull yourself back & take the steps.

How is different for parents vs children? Katelyn is a strong advocate of changing the language from pain to empowerment.

“You can’t do what you want until you know what you’re doing.”

Having a deeper sense of feeling worthy, in your body. If you struggle with that, “then looking at how worthiness shows up in your life is key.”

When the good feelings come up, let yourself have blue print of what that feels like.

One of the key components she checks with her clients, making sure their identity is not rooted around the diagnosis. 

Where can you find Katelyn:

Instagram: Katelyn Carlson

Website: Katelyn Carlson

LEAVE A REVIEW: if you enjoy this episode, we’d to hear what was your take away. Be sure to do over to Apple Podcasts & leave a review. If you know someone who this can help please share. Take a screen shot & share it with us on instagram @T3fitt.

3 Free tips for back stretches created by Teresa for Scoliosis back pain. Grab your free tips here

Do you follow Teresa on Instagram yet? Head over to T3Fitt on Instagram and follow her and her team for additional content.


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